Lessons learned from combining SQS and Lambda in a data project

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The built-in functionality of SQS and Lambda provided us serverless, scalable and fault-tolerant basis, but while running the solution we also learned some important lessons. In this blog post I will discuss the issue of valid messages ending up in dead-letter queues (DLQ) and correctly configuring your DLQ to catch only erroneous messages from your source SQS queue. By Miia Niemelä.

In brief, Amazon SQS is a lightweight, fully managed message queueing service, that enables decoupling and scaling microservices, distributed systems and serverless applications. With SQS, it is easy to send, store, and receive messages between software components, without losing messages.

The article deals with:

  • What are Amazon SQS and Lambda?
  • Problems with valid messages ending up in DLQ
  • Lambda scales automatically with the number of messages arriving to SQS – up to a limit
  • Configuring DLQ to your SQS and Lambda combination

When testing our solution with pushing thousands of messages rapidly to the queue, we observed many of the messages ending up in a dead-letter queue, even though they were not erroneous.From the CloudWatch metrics, we found no execution errors during the given period, but instead there was a peak in the Lambda throttling metric. We had configured a DLQ to catch erroneous messages, but ended up having completely valid and unprocessed messages in the DLQ.

With carefully tuning the parameters of our SQS queue, mainly by increasing the maxReceiveCount and VisibilityTimeOut, we were able to overcome the problems with Lambda functions throttling. Excellent read!

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Tags serverless software-architecture machine-learning performance big-data