Learn how to use webhooks by connecting NodeJS, IFTTT and Twitter

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In this guide, you’ll learn what webhooks are and how they work. You’ll then put together a simple Webhook integration for IFTTT and Twitter, using Node and a simple Express app. By Robbie Cahill.

Webhooks are like APIs in reverse. With an API, you make requests to an API provider. Webhooks reverse this flow. You need a public URL for your application to test webhook integrations end to end. There are a few tools out there that can give you one but author suggests expose because the syntax is easier to work with than other tools where you need to specify a protocol and port.

The article main content:

  • What are webhooks?
  • Get the code and run the app
  • Configuring IFTTT

The IFTTT Twitter integration supports sending notifications for things like retweets of your tweets and other useful stuff. There are also thousands of IFTTT triggers you can plug into. Nice one!

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Tags how-to event-driven messaging nodejs app-development web-development