Launching my first Flutter app

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Dawid Kunicki article about working with Flutter and getting out first app written in it. Taken from Android developer perspective. Flutter is a new technology that is clearly gaining more and more popularity among mobile developers.

Flutter is an open source mobile app SDK made by Google. It’s used for creating native apps for both Android and iOS. The framework uses Dart as its programming language.

Flutter comes with some remarkable features, which are beneficial for companies as well as for mobile engineers.

Author then explains some Flutter advantages:

  • From business perspective
  • From developer’s point of view
  • Explains some Flutter tools

It also pays attention to Dart language. Dart is an object-oriented programming language of general purpose developed by Google. It is used in mobile application development, web development as well as on the server side.

It also explains why Flutter was excellent choice for developing Offhub app. Read to know more!

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Tags app-development android