Introducing Kueue

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In this article, we introduce Kueue, an open source job queueing controller designed to manage batch jobs as a single unit. Kueue leaves pod-level orchestration to existing stable components of Kubernetes.

In the article you will find:

  • Why Kueue?
  • How Kueue works
  • Resource model
  • Example use case

With Kueue we decided to take a different approach to job queueing on Kubernetes that is anchored around the following aspects:

  • Not duplicating existing functionalities already offered by established Kubernetes components for pod scheduling, autoscaling and job lifecycle management
  • Adding key features that are missing to existing components

Job queueing is a key feature to run batch workloads at scale in both on-premises and cloud environments. The main goal of job queueing is to manage access to a limited pool of resources shared by multiple tenants. Job queueing decides which jobs should wait, which can start immediately, and what resources they can use. Good read!

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