Improving Node.js performance using Rust

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Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime for writing backend applications. Its flexibility and nonblocking nature have made it the premier choice for API consumption. It’s important to note that Node.js, which is single-threaded, isn’t ideal for heavy computational tasks as blocking the main thread with lengthy calculations can lead to performance issues. Fortunately, Node.js supports worker threads, providing a way to handle such intensive tasks without blocking the main thread. By Anshul Goyal.

You will also learn:

  • How do Rust and Node.js work together?
  • What is the Foreign Function Interface (FFI)?
  • Setting up our Node.js project
  • Writing the Rust code with Neon
  • Writing the Rust code with FFI

This guide merely scratches the surface of the potential that the Rust and Node.js combination holds. We’ve walked through the basics of integrating Rust code into a Node.js application, using both the Neon and Foreign Function Interface methods. These examples should provide a solid foundation for your future projects involving Node.js and Rust. Good read!

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Tags learning functional-programming how-to programming performance