How your software engineering team can ship 10x faster

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When we talk about “shipping 10x faster” at Swarmia, we mean that your customers will have the features that matter to them in their hands 10x sooner. Ultimately, this allows you to serve your customers better than the competition. By Ari-Pekka Koponen.

Our cycle time metric is broken down into four distinct parts: time in progress, time in review, time to merge, and time to release. People often have an optimistic view of how long this process takes and are usually surprised when they see their team’s actual cycle time. Understanding their real cycle time allows teams to identify bottlenecks that have been previously invisible or downplayed.

The article then provides practical guide and examples how to ship your code faster:

  • Balancing investment between maintainability and building new stuff
  • Visualizing cross-team dependencies and unblocking critical work

Industry-leading engineering organizations not only enable teams to ship code and improvements quickly but also help them focus on the most valuable work. In the end, the goal of shipping faster is not to build a huge list of features but to create value for customers and the business. We call this impact. Nice one!

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