How we build micro frontends

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Building micro-frontends to speed up and scale our web development process. By Jonathan Saring.

At Bit, we build tools for over 100,000 developers working with components. Our tools help developers build, reuse, and collaborate on independent components to speed up development and improve application quality.

Micro front-ends are a way to split the monolith front-end codebase into smaller, more manageable pieces. As a result, front-end teams can enjoy similar benefits to those of microservices: maintainable codebases, autonomous teams, independent releases, and incremental upgrades.

Microservices - each application should be owned by a single team


The articles then pays attention to:

  • So what are micro front-ends, really?
  • Our process
  • Autonomous teams
  • Simple, decoupled codebases
  • Independent release pipelines
  • More incremental upgrades
  • Infinite component reuse and collaboration

Some say micro front-ends is nothing but a “good component model”. For their team, it was a good component model as much as it was a better way to build our own team, improve the way we work, build better modular software, and deliver it faster and more often.

In recent years, microservices allowed backend architectures to scale through loosely coupled codebases, each responsible for its own business logic and exposes an API, each independently deployable, and each owned and maintained by a different team.

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Tags css frontend web-development app-development microservices