How to write API documentation: Best practices and examples

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APIs make the world go round. Developers and other professionals use APIs almost daily. Working with them, by some estimates, 10+ hours a week, for researching, googling for support, studying reviews, and rummaging around in the documentation. By

Outdated docs are the biggest pet peeve of API users. This is also one of the most common mistakes. Developers often write about updates several days after rolling them out, sometimes limiting themselves to a few sentences. This happens because there’s no established process, and it’s no one’s responsibility. Here’s how to ensure regular and useful doc updates

Further in this article:

  • API documentation templates and tools
  • Great REST API documentation examples
  • Who writes API documentation?

Documentation is the only touchpoint you’ll have with most of your audience, so you need to learn to communicate clearly through it. Nice one!

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