How to host Hugo static website generator on AWS Lambda

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Ilya Bezdelev wrote tutorial how to create a static website publishing platform hosted in the cloud using several AWS services. It will run static website generator Hugo on AWS Lambda, store files in AWS S3 and serve them from AWS CloudFront. This is older (2015) but still very good article.

This tutorial uses content, code snippets and ideas from a number of open source projects.

Project integrates quite a few AWS products:

  • S3 input bucket - whenever file is uploaded or deleted event is triggered for AWS Lambda
  • AWS Lambda function
  • Output S3 Bucket contains your static website
  • CloudFront Distribution is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Route 53 is a Domain Name Service (DNS)
  • IAM - Identity and Access Management, is a service

Plenty of screen grabs and example code. Very valuable!

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Tags web-development serverless aws docker