How to compile C code into WebAssembly with Emscripten

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How do I start using WebAssembly That’s exactly what we’re going to address this time around. The author is going to demonstrate how to get started with this technology. By Jack Wallen.

Let’s get on with the steps toward your first WebAssembly app. The article covers:

  • Install the necessary dependencies
  • Install Emscripten
  • Create your Hello, World! (with source)
  • Compile the source code

Emscripten is open source software that compiles projects written in C or C++ – or any language that uses LLVM – to browsers, Node.js, or wasm runtimes. The Emscripten SDK profiles all of the necessary tools (such as Clang, Python, and Node.js), as well as an updated mechanism to enable migrating to newer versions of the toolchain as they are released.

You will also get commands and step by step process how to use the emcc compiler to take your C code and turn it into a WebAssembly (WASM) HTML file. Short but sweet!

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Tags code-refactoring learning programming app-development frontend