How to build interactive pie charts using only CSS and HTML

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Looking for an easy guide on how to make a pie chart with CSS and HTML? Then you’ve come to the right place! By Hafsah Emekoma.

Pie charts have been used since forever to display data in an aesthetically pleasing manner; they help in analyzing data by showing how different segments of a larger data set break down.

In the article you will get information on how to build an interactive pie chart using only HTML and CSS that displays data about food consumption in a city:

  • Basic HTML structure
  • Creating the wrappers
  • Basic styles
  • Adding pie chart data
  • Styling the chart and its keys
  • Finish styling the pie chart
  • Adding interactivity to the pie chart
  • Adding the keys and colors
  • Displaying text for entries
  • Changing the border colors for flair

If you’ve finished this tutorial, you should now be able to build pie charts using only HTML and CSS. Building with just HTML and CSS can come in handy when building light projects where performance is a primary consideration. Nice one!

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Tags css web-development frameworks frontend