How to build a GraphQL data layer for REST microservices

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GraphQL is a great technology for microservices because you can use it as a data layer for these microservices. One use case is to combine the data from all these services into a single, unified API. By Roy Derks.

But building this data layer can be very time-consuming since you need to connect the microservices into one schema. In this post, you’ll learn step-by-step how to build a data layer for microservices with GraphQL in a declarative way.

The article main points are:

  • Why use GraphQL for microservices?
  • Building a data layer using GraphQL
  • Setting up the project
  • Creating schemas for microservices

There are many ways to create a data layer by creating a custom GraphQL server, but this is very time-consuming and error-prone. Luckily, the tool StepZen makes it easier to create a GraphQL data layer (or server) by writing GraphQL SDL only. Good read.

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Tags apis serverless javascript nodejs nosql json restful