How to build Angular search functionality with GraphQL?

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a fullstack Angular application that uses GraphQL to fetch data from a server. The application we’ll build together will display a list of blog posts fetched from a GraphQL API using Apollo Client, including search functionality. To create the GraphQL API, we will use StepZen, a GraphQL API platform that allows you to build and deploy a GraphQL API in minutes. By Roy Derks.

Angular has gained a reputation for its exceptional developer tooling, which includes built-in features such as TypeScript support, routing, and a command-line interface. Additionally, Angular’s component-based architecture, remarkable speed and performance, and other powerful features make it a popular choice among developers.

This tutorial then explains:

  • Prerequisites
  • Setting up a new Angular project
  • Creating a GraphQL API with StepZen
  • Adding Apollo Client to our Angular application
  • Fetching data with Apollo Client
  • Adding search functionality

If you prefer watching a video walkthrough instead there is a link for that in the article as well. This tutorial taught you to use GraphQL in an Angular application using Apollo Client. With Angular, you can build scalable frontend applications with native TypeScript support. On the other hand, Apollo Client is a library to help you fetish data from a GraphQL API. For example, the GraphQL API you created in this tutorial by transforming the REST API into GraphQL using StepZen. Good read!

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Tags app-development angular nodejs javascript restful apis