How to become a Golang developer: A 6-step career guide

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Go is an in-demand language across the board. Today, we’ll discuss the steps to become an employable and modern Go developer. By The Educative Team.

Golang (also called Go) is an in-demand programming language — especially for people working with Google products. Go is used by many big companies, like Uber, Medium, Dropbox, Salesforce, Netflix, IBM, and Twitter.

This career guide at a glance:

  • What is a Go developer?
  • Learn the basics of Go
  • Master Go libraries and other tools
  • Learn testing with Go
  • Understand Go patterns
  • Start building your portfolio
  • Practice Go coding interview questions
  • What to learn next

Golang developers use the Go language to build webpage and software products. A Go developer’s general duties include working with Go and using its full suite of tools and frameworks. Most Go developers also do testing and debugging. The entry threshold for Go is relatively low. It’s an easy language to learn and comes with detailed technical documentation. Switching to Go is relatively easy for those who have experience with the C language. Good read!

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Tags programming career web-development app-development golang