How Kubernetes creates and runs containers: An illustrated guide

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Understanding how Kubernetes handles containers gives you greater flexibility to create custom configurations for specific needs. Kubernetes enables you to do a lot of productive work without having to understand a lot about the underlying details. By Bob Reselman.

The article then explains:

  • Understanding Kubernetes architecture and Kubelet
  • Understanding the difference between a container manager and a container runtime
  • Standardizing the container infrastructure with the OCI
  • Understanding the Container Runtime Interface
  • The benefit of understanding the details

Putting the CRI and the OCI specifications together makes it so that Kubernetes can support exactly the container manager and runtime you want to use in your Kubernetes cluster designs. Also, the CRI and the OCI make it so that you can run many different types of container managers and container runtimes across a single cluster.

When it comes to designing a Kubernetes infrastructure to support today’s modern applications, choice matters. Fortunately, choice exists due to the benefits provided by the OCI and CRI specifications. The tradeoff is the need to understand many details of Kubernetes and container technology to get it all to work for your benefit.

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Tags cloud devops software-architecture cio how-to