The hidden costs of serverless observability

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The growing popularity of serverless architectures has led to an increased need for solutions to the modern challenges of microservice observability—one of the most critical components for running high-performing, secure, and resilient serverless applications By @DeveloperSteve.

In this article, we will:

  • Explore the challenges that serverless architectures present to observability
  • Suggest possible solutions
  • Identify the hidden costs of these solutions
  • Discuss ways to mitigate such expenses

In serverless environments, not only are you abstracted from the underlying infrastructure that runs your code, but the distributed, event-driven nature of serverless applications makes traditional approaches to monitoring and debugging ineffective. Serverless functions are often chained through asynchronous event sources such as AWS SNS, SQS, Kinesis, or DynamoDB, making tracing extremely difficult. Interesting read!

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Tags serverless app-development web-development devops microservices