GraphQL, everything you need to know

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Weblab Technology post about what GraphQL is all about and how it’s different from the traditional approach. The purpose of this article is to highlight the major features associated with GraphQL along with discussing the significant pros and cons associated with this particular API specification.

GraphQL is usually described as a frontend-directed API technology as it allows front-end developers to request data in a much simpler way than ever before.

One of the basic problems with conventional REST is the failure of the client to demand a personalized data set. In addition to that, running and controlling multiple endpoints is another difficulty as clients are mostly needed to request data from diversified endpoints.

Included in the post:

  • GraphQL vs REST
  • Data fetching via single endpoint
  • Over or under data fetching
  • Error management
  • Caching
  • Authorization Problems

and much more (versioning, deprecation etc). And plenty of code examples. Nice read!

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Tags programming nosql apis software-architecture