Google Cloud Platform free tier vs physical and cloud servers for startups

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Over a decade ago, it was a common practice to host server software on dedicated private servers. In the age of cloud computing, this hasn’t changed a lot because many businesses continue using cloud services as usual servers. By topal on hackernoon.

The article explains how you can use Google Cloud Platform free tier benefits during various phases of your startup lifetime:

  • 4 options to host your application
  • Google Cloud Platform free tier benefits
  • Google Cloud Platform for startups
    • For startups before traction
    • For startups getting traction right at the moment
    • Post-traction startup growth

The article also does a good job explaining various options depending on your type of application, e.g. static website hosting, ReactJS single page application hosting, WordPress site hosting or best options for hosting REST APIs. Great advice!

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Tags software-architecture google containers kubernetes