Get started quickly with kubernetes logging

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An article about how to get started with logging in Kubernetes. This topic is quite extensive as there are many components to consider before having a complete perspective of what’s happening inside your applications. By Erin Baez.

This post gives you an introduction to recommended practices, tools, patterns, and strategies for logging in Kubernetes. You’ll learn that instrumenting your application to emit logs is not going to be enough. By default, Kubernetes emits a lot of logs from all its components, so you’ll have a lot of information. You’ll have to know where to look and how to manage all of those logs.

The main parts of this article:

  • Starting With Kubernetes Logging
  • Reading the Logs
  • What Should You Log in Applications for Kubernetes?
  • Architectural Patterns for Application Logs
  • Exposing an Endpoint for the Application Logs
  • Using a Sidecar Container
  • What Other Logs Are Available in Kubernetes?
  • Keep All Kubernetes Logs Together

… and more. In Kubernetes, you can consume several types of logs. But to get useful insights from all these logs, you’ll need to keep all of them together. Centralized logging becomes crucial in distributed systems like those you run Kubernetes in. When you have all the logs at the same place, you can go deeper when troubleshooting. Good read!

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Tags cloud devops kubernetes containers software-architecture