FinOps 'Crawl, Walk, Run' maturity model applied to Kubernetes

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FinOps has become an increasingly popular goal of many organizations. It helps to unite financial teams and cloud operations teams across organizations to speak the same language, understand cloud costs and how they can be optimized. By Danielle Cook.

The crawl, walk, run approach maps to the Kubernetes Maturity Model Fairwinds put together and that the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) leaned on heavily when producing the Cloud Native Maturity Model. As users adopt Kubernetes, they will take a similar crawl, walk, run approach to the technology, people, process and policy. The financial side should also be part of adoption.

The most important part of the crawl phase is getting your CPU and memory settings right. Open source tools like Goldilocks help identify a baseline for setting Kubernetes resource requests and limits. This is sufficient in small one to three cluster environments where you most likely have a small number of engineers (one or two) managing Kubernetes. Having a tool like Goldilocks is important.

As you are “walking,” the DevOps and platform engineering teams are looking into the cost problem. As you move to the run phase, this changes.

FinOps says organizations in the run phase are all aligned and have adopted a robust model. There are very high goals/KPIs set on the measurement of success and automation is preferred. Good read!

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