Extreme HTTP performance tuning: 1.2M API req/s on 4 vCPU EC2 instance

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This post will walk you through the performance tuning steps that I took to serve 1.2 million JSON “API” requests per second from a 4 vCPU AWS EC2 instance. For the purposes of this recreated quest, we will ignore most of the dead ends and dark alleyways that I had to struggle through on my solo expedition. By Marc Richards.

You will find a table in the article which lists the 9 optimization categories that author will cover, and links to the corresponding flame graphs.

libreactor vs the world fully optimised

Source: @talawah.io https://talawah.io/blog/extreme-http-performance-tuning-one-point-two-million/

The article then reads about:

  • Basic benchmark setup
  • Ground Zero
  • Flame Graphs
  • Application Optimizations
  • Framework Optimizations
  • Speculative Execution Mitigations
  • Syscall Auditing/Blocking
  • Disabling iptables/netfilter

… and much more. This is an extensive overview oof various optimisation techniques with detailed explanation what and why is happening during the test runs. Tether is plenty links provided for further reading and for learning more about Linux kernel and network stack. Nice one!

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Tags performance aws devops json programming cloud apis