The evolution of state transfer

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State transfer is fundamental to online applications. Web apps are architected around the network, with the separation of front-end from back-end and protocols like AJAX and REST. However, newer protocols like GraphQL and frameworks like Remix are increasingly abstracting state transfer away from application code. By James Arthur.

Local-first software is a new paradigm that fully abstracts state transfer out of the application domain. It’s the endgame for the evolution of state transfer and the vision we’re building towards with ElectricSQL.

Evolution of state transfer


Further explained are:

  • Forms to GraphQL
  • Invention of AJAX
  • Standardising on REST
  • Enter GraphQL
  • Local-first
  • Optimal placement and movement of data

With local-first, developers code directly against a local, embedded database. Reads and writes are instant. Users can still share data and collaborate but the state transfer happens in the background, with reads and writes made against the local database and then synced in the background to the server. Web development has been progressing through an evolution of state transfer from manual, imperative data transfer towards automated, declarative systems. Hybrid local-first architecture is the natural endgame for this progression. Nice read!

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