Encrypt and decrypt data in Node.js using aes-256-cbc

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This tutorial aims at teaching you how to encrypt and decrypt data in Node.js. The method provided here is pretty straightforward and easy to understand, as it has been written with the intention of enabling other programmers and developers to learn how to encrypt data in their applications. By Ugbem Job.

In this tutorial, the Encryption and Decryption methods provided are based on the AES-256 algorithm, and why we are using this because it is one of the most popular encryption algorithms in use today, and it’s well known for being secure.

The article is split in:

  • Prerequisites
  • Getting started
  • Installing dependencies
  • Creating the config file
  • Creating the server file
  • Creating the encryption module
  • Testing the API

.. and more. In this tutorial, you learned how to create an API that encrypts and decrypts data using Node.js and Express. You also learned how to use the crypto module to encrypt and decrypt data. Good read!

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Tags infosec nodejs web-development how-to app-development