Do you know what's in Helm 3?

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Understand new capabilities and migration options for Helm 3, the package manager for Kubernetes. By Martin Hickey on IBM Developer Blog.

Helm 3 is one of the most eagerly anticipated releases for the last year or so. This latest version of Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes, is now available.

The excitement for this release was heightened by the promise of removing Tiller, the in-cluster component of Helm that interacted directly with the Kubernetes API server to install, upgrade, query, and remove Kubernetes resources. However, Helm 3 goes far beyond removing Tiller.

New capabilities in Helm 3:

  • Client only architecture
  • XDG base directory specification
  • No need to initialize Helm
  • Release storage changed
  • Modifications to charts
  • Chart repository status
  • Improved release upgrade strategy
  • Simplified CRD support
  • Helm test framework updates
  • Helm 2 interface still supported
  • Helm Go library overhauled
  • Other changes

… each of this is described in detail in the article. There are a lot of new capabilities worth trying out in Helm 3. Give it a go!

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