Distributed tracing with Istio, Quarkus and Jaeger

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In this article, you will learn how to configure distributed tracing for your service mesh with Istio and Quarkus. For test purposes, we will build and run Quarkus microservices on Kubernetes. The communication between them is going to be managed by Istio. Istio service mesh uses Jaeger as a distributed tracing system. By Piotr Minkowski.

Istio generates distributed trace spans for each managed service. It means that every request sent inside the Istio will have the following HTTP headers:

Istio distributed trace spans - headers

Source: https://piotrminkowski.com/2022/01/31/distributed-tracing-with-istio-quarkus-and-jaeger/

The article then provides good explanation of the following:

  • Service mesh architecture
  • Distributed tracing with Istio
  • Create microservices with Quarkus
  • Run Quarkus applications on Kubernetes
  • Traffic management with Istio
  • Testing Istio tracing with Quarkus

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone author’s GitHub repository. Excellent!

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