Distributed systems with RabbitMQ

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In this article we’re going to talk about the benefits of distributed systems and how to move to distributed systems using RabbitMQ. Then we will learn the fundamentals of RabbitMQ and how to interact with it using Python. Written by Denis Orehovsky.

The article has this sections:

  • Distributed systems
  • RabbitMQ essentials
  • Working with RabbitMQ using Python

Extensive code examples provided. Also schemas explaining following exchange types: Fanout, Direct, Topic, Header.

Using RabbitMQ as a message broker is a great choice. We’ve learnt the fundamentals of RabbitMQ and how to interact with it using Pika library but in real world you will probably use a library like Celery instead of Pika. Nice work!

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Tags devops erlang functional-programming distributed