DevOps for Node.js engineers: Building and publishing JavaScript application artifacts

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An artifact is a single portable file that allows us to deploy our application. It usally is an archive of the project with its dependencies (or not) but could also be a executable binary file. By Florian Goto.

The JavaScript world is generally more flexible than other languages in terms of how to do things. This is most of the time a benefit but it sometimes like standardization (efforts are being made to change that with the OpenJS foundation).

Blog post is split into these sections:

  • Packaging frontend code
  • Build with other languages
  • Publishing to an artifact repository

Contrary to certain belief, the frontend code is actually more complex than the backend (my opinion, could be wrong). On the frontend, you usually use some framework like React with its fancy JSX syntax which requires additional step to run the code. Good read!

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Tags nodejs javascript web-development app-development