Deploying Clojure applications to Google Cloud

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Guide by by Alexey Klochay, developer at CircleCI, focusing on continuously deploying Clojure apps to Google App Engine. At CircleCI they use Clojure heavily, but when he wanted to use it for his side projects he realized that cloud provider he was using required too much overhead for infrastructure.

He started looking at alternatives that would give him CD right out of the box with as little configuration as possible. While Heroku was a good option, he was looking for something a bit more flexible, and ideally affordable.

Tutorial walks you through these steps explaining how:

  • Set up a Google Cloud project and enable Google App Engine Flexible environment
  • Create a service account and enable GAE API access
  • Create the CircleCI project and add service account credentials
  • Edit the project name in the CircleCI config and push it
  • Gotchas

We found some interesting gotchas mentioned in the article worth mentioning: Java 8 doesn’t support cgroup-based memory limits which can lead to Docker killing the container if the memory usage surpasses the limit.

Find workaround and detailed information in this well written guide.

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Tags programming gcp miscellaneous google functional-programming