Deploy your Laravel app as a static site to Netlify

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With JAMstack, your entire site is pre-built as static HTML files and hosted on CDN. Since those static files are served via CDN, it’s blazing fast, scalable, and more secure as there is no backend servers and databases. By Ryuta Hamasaki.

In this post, author will walk you through how to build a static version of your Laravel app and deploy it to Netlify. The article captures how to:

  • Install Laravel Export
  • Setup Netlify CLI
  • Hooks
  • Query params are not supported

You can build the entire Laravel app as a static site and deploy it to Netlify from your local machine. You don’t need to setup a full-fledged server for hosting your backend app and database. And here is the full source code of the sample Laravel blog application that author created. Good read.

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