Host static site with Hugo and Firebase for free

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Ariya Hidayat short and to the point post about hosting static web site with Firebase. He decided to abandon WordPress for his blog and switch to Hugo to generate the content and Firebase to host it. How did the authoring workflow change due to this switch?

As a static site generator, Hugo will construct all the HTML files from every blog entry written in Markdown format, based on a certain template. The huge benefit: all those Markdown files can be stored conveniently in a version control system. The ubiquitous git is a natural choice for doing so.

You also get overview:

  • How to create an automated build job using GitLab CI
  • How to prepare Docker image for in-container build process
  • How to create an automated build job using GitLab CI
  • Learn about benefits of hosting with Firebase (HTTP/2, free SSL/TLS for custom domain, security)

Using this setup, every single time I push to GitLab, the deployment process is automatically triggered. Usually it takes about a minute for the deploy job to finish. Good read!

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Tags web-development programming containers