Deploy Node.js App with GitLab CI/CD

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An article by Seulkiro Park in which he sheds the light on deployment process utilizing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools offered by GitLab.

In the tutorial he guides you through:

  • Creating a GitLab project
  • Creating example Node.js express application
  • Heroku application setup
  • GitLab CI/CD configuration file
  • Heroku deployment

GitLab has a runner to manage jobs as part of CI/CD, e.g. test, deploying to staging or production environments. You can navigate to Settings > CI/CD > Secret Variables and then you can store your secret keys or any other environment variables that the Runner can access to.

GitLab CI/CD is super easy to set up and useful for deploying your changes to different staging environments before production then finally production environment.

Heroku supports git repository and even deployments from GitHub out of the box. Good read!

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Tags devops cicd programming nodejs