Demystifying getting a job in Google DevRel

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This post is written from author’s personal experience in Google DevRel for 12 of the last 16 years. By Mano Marks.

Developer relations team is a team involved in establishing a relationship with a group of technical practitioners external to the organization that created it. That relationship is two-way. It is for the purposes of increasing adoption of and productivity using some tool provided by the original organization. The article then describes these topics:

  • Step zero: What is Developer Relations
  • Developer relations teams at Google
  • Job types at Google in Developer Relations
  • DREs
  • Technical writers
  • Program managers
  • Manager positions
  • Applying for jobs
  • Preparing for the interview

Developer Relations is an evolving discipline across a lot of companies. General information about Developer Relations is available in a lot of places. My favorite place to send people is the DevRel Collective where there’s a lot of information about developer relations. There’s also DevRelCon which makes past videos from their conferences available on YouTube. Bottom line, learn as much as you can about the role you’re applying for and use that to prepare for the interview experience. This is super informative!

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