Create your own Kotlin playground (and get a data science head start) with Jupyter Notebook

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Learn the basics of Jupyter Notebook and how to turn it into an interactive interpreter for Kotlin. You’ll also learn about Data Frames, an important data structure for data science applications. By Joey deVilla.

If you’ve ever wished for a Kotlin version of a REPL (read-evaluate-play loop) like the ones in command-line Python or Node.js or for a lightweight local version of the Kotlin Playground, there’s a way to do it: by using Jupyter Notebook with a Kotlin kernel. In this article, you’ll set up a Kotlin playground that runs locally on your computer!

The content of the article is split into multiple sections:

  • Kotlin? For data science?
  • Introducing Jupyter Notebook
  • Creating your first notebook
  • Understanding code cells
  • Working with markdown cells
  • Diving into data frames

… and much more. You can also download the Jupyter Notebook files containing all the code from the exercises. With Jupyter Notebook and the Kotlin kernel, you have a powerful new tool at your disposal. You can use it as a straightforward Markdown note-taking tool or as an interactive coding environment. But the most interesting use cases appear when you combine Markdown and code cells to mix narrative text with executable code. Nice read!

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Tags kotlin java app-development jvm data-science