Core values and practices for building software

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Evan Bottcher - technical principal at ThoughtWorks - take on core values for building great software. When it comes to the craft of building software, he recognizes some fundamental software engineering values that ThoughtWorks share. None of values and practices mentioned in the post are new, in fact, some some were lifted directly from the XP values and practices.

He has chosen four core values to present:

  • Clean code - easy to understand and maintain
  • Fast feedback - whether a change has been successful in moments
  • Repeatability - confidence and predictability, remove manual tasks
  • Simplicity - no more complexity than software needs to do a good job

He also dives in eight core engineering practices — methods and approaches that support the core values. Even specialized technical domains are built on top of the same core of values and practices. Everything in the core practices applies to prototype development, MVP, test and learn, any other explanation you might use to cut corners.

To find out more and to see charts with all mentioned above, follow the link.

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Tags programming agile software-architecture