Continuous integration for React applications using Jest and Enzyme

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React pairs nicely with Redux, which enables managing the data that React needs to render interfaces. Redux offers a predictable way to structure and update the data in those frontend applications. In this tutorial, we will explore how to write tests for an existing React and Redux application. By Kevin Ndung’u.

We will then configure continuous integration with CircleCI to automate the testing and ensure that any new code we add does not break the existing functionality.

The main content is split into:

  • Getting started
  • Walkthrough of the application’s functionality
  • Keeping track of our progress with Git and GitHub
  • Testing React components
  • Test setup
  • Component tests
  • Testing Redux functionality
  • Testing action creators
  • Continuous integration with GitHub and CircleCI
  • CircleCI configuration

Nice exploration of adding tests to a real-world React and Redux application. It is my hope that the concepts covered here will be helpful and will set you up for success when working on similar applications in the future. You will also get code examples and links to further reading. Good read!

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Tags devops react app-development cicd javascript