Cloud platform teams are everywhere — here's why

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In HashiCorp’s new State of Cloud Strategy survey, 86% of respondents said they rely on cloud platform teams — for a wide variety of very good reasons. Organizations with complex business requirements have long sought ways to simplify operations and boost the productivity of their software development teams. It appears business and IT leaders have found an answer: adopt and empower centralized cloud platform teams. By Jared Ruckle.

Main article points:

  • What’s powering the rise of platform teams?
  • Different cloud service providers have different APIs
  • Skills shortages
  • Cultural transformation is siloed and uneven
  • Governance becomes difficult to manage
  • Business leaders trust platform teams – and expect a lot from them
  • Cloud platform teams require continued investment

In our experience working with many of the world’s largest brands, platform teams typically include engineers who provision, run, and manage cloud infrastructure and other shared services. These teams create and operate highly automated platforms available on-demand across the organization. Developers can access the platform capabilities via self-service processes, making it easy to quickly create new environments and new service instances.

But platforms are never finished, just shipped. There’s always more to be done. The Forrester Consulting study (Unlocking Multicloud’s Operational Potential) suggests platform teams are critical “to mitigate people – and process-themed challenges like skills shortages (41%) and siloed teams (35%).” Good read!

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