Clean code checklist in Angular

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Mathis Garberg posted a piece about how as we become better developers, structuring and organizing code becomes more and more important. Angular has rapidly grown to become one of the most popular frameworks for building front-end, cross-platform web applications. To master it, author decided to put together a clean code checklist which covers my personal recommendations for writing clean production-ready Angular code.

The time spent attempting to understand someone else’s code takes up large portion of our day to day operations. We should therefore consciously try to improve the quality of our code.

You will find clear advice on:

  • Style guide
  • Angular CLI
  • Folder structure
  • How to write readable code
  • Separation of concerns
  • How to utilize typescript
  • Lazy Load Your Modules

… and much more in this detailed guide. Angular is a very powerful framework with a lot of functionality. But if you’re new to the game, it can seem overwhelming with all its different options and whatnot. Good read!

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