Case-study: Building a Low Code automation platform with OpenFaaS

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Few Enterprise IT departments would dare select something else than AWS, Azure or GCP as their “infra baseline”.The Big three were careful to provide similar cloud offerings, but different enough so that regardless of which one you would choose, you would be signing off for a vendor lock-in from day one. By Veselin Pizurica.

Enterprise with an open API that is based on software components and services that are compatible with all clouds. Still, many people would argue that the lock-in is not as bad as it sounds. And that’s a fair point.

When making the vendor selection, big enterprises always ask themselves questions along these lines:

  • Do we care about portability?
  • Do we ever consider moving from one cloud to another?
  • Are we required to provide solutions across different cloud platforms?
  • Is there a strategic aspect we need to consider to be able to run our solution on-prem, or on custom clouds where being agnostic is important?

If the answer on any of these questions is affirmative, enterprises still need to go over “the build vs. buy” decision. Thousands of blogs and articles were written on how to build an automation stack on top of kafka, mongo, etc.. It all sounds very simple till it isn’t. To learn more follow the link to the full article. Very interesting read!

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