Bootstrapping Java Kubernetes apps with spring Initializr and K8s initializer

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Build a Spring Boot app and deploy to K8s without writing a single line of YAML. By Daniel Bryant.

In this tutorial, authoor is going to show you how to bootstrap a Spring Boot web application, containerize this using the latest Spring buildpacks, and deploy this onto an application-ready Kubernetes cluster with the app exposed to users via the Ambassador API gateway.

You should be able to complete this in ~30 minutes without writing a single line of YAML, thanks to the power of the Spring Initializr and the K8s Initializer websites, which create all of the boilerplate code and config for you!

The article describes:

  • Bring the Spring (Initializr)!
  • Creating K8s config without writing a line of YAML!
  • Initializing Kubernetes with the K8s initializer

You will get loads of screen grabs and all the code so you can follow this tutorial. Well done!

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Tags cloud devops kubernetes java containers