Beginner's guide to designing smart chatbots

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An article by Vaibhav Verma, an User Experience Designer at Haptik, about his experience with designing the smart chatbots over 4 years period. He has designed more than 50 chatbots across various domains and use cases.

First, it’s important to understand what a chatbot actually is. I like to define it as an interface to get a task done via a text or voice based conversation with a robot, sometimes aided by a human.

Through Machine Learning algorithms, chatbots can learn appropriate answers to specific user queries over time, for which they no longer require training.

Personality is very important for a chatbot. Chat works the best if kept short and simple. Some steps to make a good chatbot:

  • Consider use-cases where chat works best
  • Define the exact goal of the bot
  • Work on the personality and tonality
  • List out the specific tasks a user can perform

… and much more in the article, including frequently used prototyping tools, how to make handoff kit to developer, builder platforms etc. Very insightful!

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