Apache ZooKeeper: The perfect tool for configuration management

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Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source distributed coordination system that provides a platform for configuration management, process synchronization, and lock management. Originally developed by Yahoo, it is now maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. By datascientest.com.

Further in the article:

  • How does Zookeeper work?
  • What is a data model?
  • What are the different types of knot?

ZooKeeper uses a data model based on a hierarchy of nodes, similar to the structure of a file system. Therefore, each node is identified by a unique path within the tree. They can have children, which are essentially nodes placed under the parent node in the hierarchy. This tree-like structure allows for the creation of complex data structures to represent the information required for the coordination and synchronization of distributed applications.

Apache ZooKeeper is a distributed coordination system, which presents itself as a single entity, but conceals an entire complex system. It solves all the problems encountered by distributed applications thanks to its framework, which also provides a number of services, including configuration management and naming services. Excellent read!

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Tags event-driven software-architecture management devops apache