Ansible tutorial for beginners: Playbook & examples

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Ansible is one of the most used tools for managing cloud and on-premises infrastructure. If you are looking for a flexible and powerful tool to automate your infrastructure management and configuration tasks Ansible is the way to go. By Ioannis Moustakis.

In this introductory guide, you will learn everything you need to get started with Ansible and start building robust automation solutions. Ansible uses the concepts of control and managed nodes. It connects from the control node, any machine with Ansible installed, to the managed nodes sending commands and instructions to them.

The article then explains the following:

  • What is Ansible?
  • How does Ansible work?
  • Benefits of using Ansible
  • Basic Concepts & Terms
  • How to install Ansible
  • Ansible Inventory
  • Ansible ad hoc commands
  • Intro to Ansible Playbooks

… and more. In this article, we explored Ansible’s basic concepts, features, and functionality while we also explained why it is such a great tool for automation purposes. Good read!

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