The 10 best practices for remote software engineering

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At face value, when we think of developer productivity we might think of effectiveness in time management, communication, and task completion. By Vanessa Sochat.

The problem is that accomplishing tasks or having a filled up schedule does not necessarily equate to productivity. Creating a formulaic working strategy, as was common in the last century, does not either.

Although we are drawn to personal workflow or time management tools, and learning secrets to improving our productivity, ironically this quest for the holy grail can sometimes take us off course and be a detriment to our productivity.

The author’s view and experience how she has slowly learned to optimize her own productivity by focusing exclusively on well-being:

  • Work on things you care about
  • Define goals for yourself
  • Define productivity for yourself
  • Establish routine and environment
  • Take responsibility for your work
  • Take responsibility for human connection
  • Practice empathetic review
  • Learn to Say Yes, No, and Not Anymore
  • Choose correct communication channels

… and much more. It goes without saying that a core ingredient to happiness, and thus productivity, is working on projects or software that you care about. You will find many usefully details on the topic n this article. Really good!

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